Capital: Luanda
Time zone: GMT + 1
Telephone services: Country Code: 244
Outgoing Code: Calls through the operator are booked in advance
Emergency telephone numbers: Not available at present.
Tourist information: National Tourist Agency, CP 1240 Palácio de Vidro, Luanda, Angola, Tel: (2) 372 750.
Passport information: Valid passport required by all. Passports must have enough pages for all the Angolan stamps required. Travellers who do not have enough blank pages may be detained/deported. Return Ticket required. May be subject to short- term change. Contact Embassy before departure
Visa information: Visa required by all. Tourist travel is not permitted. Business Visas granted.
Health information: Polio, Typhoid: Vaccination recommended
Malaria: Exists in the falciparum variety.
Yellow Fever: Vaccination certificate required if arriving from an infected area.
Other Health Risks: Bilharzia, Cholera and Rabies. There is a very high prevalence of AIDS/HIV. Visitors should seek medical advice before travelling.
Food & drink: Water is untreated and NOT safe to drink. Avoid dairy products as they are not pasteurised. Fruit and vegetables should be peeled before consumption.
Currency: New Kwanza (NKW) = 100 lwie (LW). Note: All imported CURRENCY should be declared on arrival. Export of local currency is prohibited.
Credit cards and travellers cheques are not accepted.
ATM availability: Unavailable.
Cost of living: High inflation present due country’s instability.
Languages: Portuguese. African languages are spoken by the majority of the population.
Weather: North: Hot and wet in the summer months (Nov to Apr) winter is slightly cooler and mainly dry. South: Hot throughout the year with a slight decrease in the winter months.
Electricity: 220 Volts Ac, 60 Hz. Plugs = Continental 2 pin.
Post: 5-10 days for airmail.
Transport: FLIGHTS: Between main centres. RAIL: Erratic with no sleeping cars or air conditioning. ROAD: Many roads are unsuitable for travel. Local advice is needed. DOCUMENTATION: ID papers to be carried at all times. All travel is strictly controlled and some business travel is prohibited
Special information: NOTE: HIGH RISK. The Travel Advice Unit of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises against travel to Angola unless on essential business. Much of the country is mined and banditry and car-jacking are common. The UN office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Luanda [UCAH] is the best source for local advice. Carry identity documents at all times