Capital: Malabo
Time zone: GMT + 1
Telephone services: Country Code: 240
Outgoing Code: Operator assistance may be required.
Emergency telephone numbers: Not present
Tourist information: The Centro Cultural Hispano-Guineano gives out good maps of the Island and mainland.
Passport information: Valid passport required by all. Return Ticket Required. Requirements may be subject to change at short notice. Contact the relevant consular authority before finalising travel arrangements.
Visa information: Required by all Business and Tourist.
Health information: Polio, Typhoid: Vaccination Required.
Malaria: Precautions required. Falciparum exists throughout the country and resistance to chloroquine has been reported.
Yellow Fever: Vaccination certificate will be required by all travellers.
Other Health Risks: Bilharzia, River blindness in unchlorinated water, oriental lung fluke (recently reported) and Cholera are present.
Food & drink: Water is untreated and not safe to drink. Avoid dairy products as they are not pasteurised. Fruit and vegetables should be peeled before consumption.
Currency: CFA Franc (CFA Fr) = 100 centimes.
NOTE: Export of local currency is limited to CFA Fr3000. CFA Franc can not be easily exchanged outside of the CFA Fr area
Diners Club is accepted on a limited basis in large towns only. Travellers cheques are not accepted.
ATM availability: Unavailable.
Cost of living: Tourists can expect to pay high prices for services.
Languages: Spanish, African dialects including Fang and Bubi are spoken.
Weather: Tropical climate throughout the year. Rainfall throughout the year although less falls between Dec and Feb.
Electricity: 220/240 Volts. AC
Post: Approximately 2 weeks
Transport: FLIGHTS: Advisable to book in advance. ROADS: There are few tarred roads and car hire companies are unavailable but taxis can be hired. SEA: there is a ferry between Malabo, Bata and Doula, allow 12 hours for the trip.
Special information: Although the current situation is calm caution should be exercised. Travelling after dark should be avoided. Visitors have recently experienced problems with corruption and petty theft. Europeans are likely to be met with curiosity and even suspicion. Foreign cigarettes are often accepted as gifts. PHOTOGRAPHY: A photo permit, available from the embassy is essential.