Capital: Warsaw
Time zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 during the summer)
Telephone services: Country Code: 48
Outgoing Code: 00
Emergency telephone numbers: Police – 997, Fire – 998, Ambulance – 999
Tourist information: Polish National Tourist Office, First Floor, Remo House, 310 – 312 Regent Street, London W1R 5AJ Tel: (020) 7580 8811 Fax: (020) 7580 8866.
Passport information: Valid passport required by all. Requirements may be subject to short-term change. Contact the relevant authority before departure.
Visa information: Required by all except: Nationals of the UK for tourists or business visits not exceeding 6 months. Nationals of all other EU countries for periods not exceeding 90 days. Nationals of Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Honduras, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Lithuania, South Korea, Malta, Monaco, Nicaragua, Norway, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland, Uruguay, and the USA for visits not exceeding 90 days. Nationals of Bulgaria, Cuba, Estonia Hungary, Macedonia, (FYROM), Mongolia, Romania, for visits not exceeding 30 days Nationals of CIS countries providing they hold an official invitation or vouchers from travel agencies (except nationals of Uzbekistan) who do require a visa.
Health information: Other Health Risks: Rabies, Tick-borne encephalitis.
Food & drink: Water is untreated and not safe to drink.
Currency: Zloty (Zl) = 100 grozy Exchange: border crossing points, hotels. NOTE: Import and export of local currency by non-residents is prohibited.
All major credit cards and travellers cheques are accepted. Travellers cheques in German Deutschmarks are preferred.
ATM availability: Over 500 locations.
Cost of living: Prices are no longer as cheap as they once were.
Languages: Polish. There is a German-speaking minority. English and French may also be spoken.
Weather: Temperate climate with warm summers and cold winters. Rain falls throughout the year
Electricity: 220 volts AC, 50 Hz. Continental sockets are used
Post: 4 days. Poste Restante facilities are available throughout the country
Transport: ROAD: BUS: There are good regional bus and coach services. CAR HIRE: Various car rental agencies operate and rental also available at the airport. DOCUMENTATION: Travellers using their own cars should have car registration cards, a ‘green card’ for insurance purposes an valid insurance. An IDP is recommended although not compulsory.
Special information: Visitors are made welcome by the Poles, who are a very hospitable. Roman Catholicism plays an important role in daily rural life. Conservative casual wear is acceptable for the day. More formal attire is suitable for social evenings out. Visitors are advised to register with a hotel or local authorities within 48 hours of arrival. There is a serious risk of personal robbery on trains and at main rail stations. Passengers are at most risk when boarding trains. Never leave property unattended.